Wednesday, September 12, 2012

                                  Every Man's Envy

Every man desires to say this, if not say at least act in no less fashion than the Bold statement "Forget Superman. Try Me"

And may be this brings out our ego and let the pride surface out. These are the two quality which the real character superman showed none. Rather he layed low and never showed off what he knew he was good at and moreover he used it for the benefit of all mankind.

Lets imagine to be superman for this generation, am sure we will use all our powers to satisfy our personal wants and needs first and only when we are able to spare some time from our own selfish desires we will do something fro society as if we are doing some favor for them. as if "where would they be if it wasn't me to help them"

I am reminded of the parable mentioned in the Holy Bible of a women who goes to a synagogue and offers her tithe in the offetary box. Seeing her Jesus christ Commented

  • "Assuredly, I say to you that this poor widow has put in more than all those who have given to the treasury for they all put in out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all that she had, her whole livelihood."

  • Now see the difference what if she is being given the powers of superman. She will use it for the right purpose and betterment of mankind. This is how most of the good leaders came into being mother Teresa  Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, Winston Churchill so on and so forth the names on the list is few. But does that mean that we cannot be. They were all ordinary people at times had less resources than many of us.

    This is an eye opener and a thought provoker which should enable us to act responsibly.

    Thursday, September 6, 2012

    Godwin's Palace - Water Reflection 

    Godwin's Palace
    Well I want you to believe that is is my Palace and this is the palace where I come over and stay whenever I come over to Calcutta for a vacation.

    If you guys every want to enjoy the stay with me in this palace. Kindly book well in advance.
     An eye opening observation, where I have seen only on the busy streets of Calcatta now known as Kolkata. People busy playing carom and Chess.
    Its around 9 pm, where I just got over a meeting from my work place and was elbowing my way out of the crowded street towards my car and I see couples spending some quality time over tea and people who are waiting for their commute to home also engaged busy playing and somehow lost in the competitive spirit they seam to have forgotten to go                                                                                   home.

    A city which appreciates the time and believes in living a quality life. To the very extend that a metropolitan city like Calcatta starts no early than 9 in the morning continues to be awake till noon followed by an afternoon siesta till 4pm and then work for few hours till 7 in the evening and then call it a day. Life which no other people from the metropolitan city enjoys.

    Sunday, August 12, 2012

    Drive like a king...

    An amazing way of driving especially on the express.highway... who says bikes / mopeds aren't comfortable to drive in. I don't think this person feels so... as a matter of fact he is carefree.           This is the height of luxury... A luxury a biker always wants to have within his means. This is how an Indian mind always functions. This is a good example of "Jugad". An approach which can cross your mind only if you live in constraints. The mind is very powerful to come out with solutions which does not exist. We need not look around for inventions or innovations which will yield business revenues for companies. All what we need to do is look around and find how people live and survive around their constraints and that it... We can have either a product development idea or an business model structures just by understanding patterns.

    Jugad also negates the safety perspective at times just to get their immediate need addressed. This can be the most important USP on which an idea / concept can be developed on and sold.